Fat Dissolving 

Lypolysis Injections

  • Botox
  • Filler
Number of sessions for best results

1 – 3

When can results be expected

7 Days

Duration of Results

According to the current state of knowledge, fat cells that have once been dissolved do not return. This means that the fat deposits concerned are permanently reduced. Provided your weight remains unchanged, the results of the lipolysis treatment should also remain constant.


2 – 5 Days

Risks & Complications




Procedure Time

30 – 60 minutes

Back to Work

Next Day


Treatment Results

Lypolysis After Care


What is Lypolysis |  Why Lypolysis  |   Benefits  |  Risks  |  FAQ

Fat Burning Injections

The non surgical alternative to liposuction.

An active substance, naturally found in the body, is injected directly into the subcutaneous tissue. Local fat deposits are destroyed permanently and the fat cell wall dissolved, allowing the fat stores to be eliminated by the body’s metabolic process. 

It is not a method of weight loss but rather a treatment for body sculpting or contouring by reducing unwanted localised deposits of fat, especially in those places that cannot be specifically targeted by dieting or sport (stubborn fat).

Why Lypolytic Injections?

Fat Loss Injections can treat the following:

  • Jowls / Double Chin / Cheeks
  • Axillary (Armpit) Folds
  • Upper arms
  • Back rolls
  • Iliac Crest (hip) & Love Handles
  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Above and inner knee
  • Male Gynaecomastia (breasts)
  • Pubic region
  • Cellulite
  • Lipomas

Lypolysis Benefits


More affordable than liposuction


Results appear fast


Side effects are rare and it is very safe


No surgical intervention


Tightens and smoothes the skin


Performed in your doctor’s rooms


No significant downtime / recovery time


You can resume normal activities after injection

Lypolysis Risks

Every procedure involves a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks involved.

An individual’s choice to undergo a procedure is based on the comparison of the risk to potential benefit.

Although most patients do not experience these complications, you should discuss each of them with Dr Inge to make sure you understand the risks, potential complications and consequences of Lypolysis injections.

  • Botox
  • Filler
Number of sessions for best results

1 – 3

When can results be expected

7 Days

Duration of Results

According to the current state of knowledge, fat cells that have once been dissolved do not return. This means that the fat deposits concerned are permanently reduced. Provided your weight remains unchanged, the results of the lipolysis treatment should also remain constant.


2 – 5 Days

Risks & Complications




Procedure Time

30 – 60 minutes

Back to Work

Next Day


Treatment Results

Lypolysis After Care


Frequently Asked Questions – Lypolysis Injections

Is Lypolysis Injections safe?

It is a safe substance that has been used therapeutically for over 15 years, with more than 60,000 documented treatments.

Who is not a candidate for injection lipolysis?

Patients with loose skin or poor tone may not be suitable candidates for the procedure.

What are the costs?
40 units or less = R50/unit
41+ units = R40/unit

Third Sessions = R30/unit


How many units will I need?

NB: The amount of units needed differs from patient to patient according to the size of the area

 Average units per area

Chin 20 – 30 R1000-R1500
Love Handles 20 – 30 R1000-R1500
Abdomen 50 – 100 R2000-R4000
Arms 15 – 30 R750-R1000
Upper Back, Below/Above Bra 40 R1000
Lower Back 30 – 50 R1500-R2000
Inner Thighs 20 – 30 R1000-R1500
Saddle Bags Thighs 20 – 30 R1000-R1500
Below Buttocks 20 – 40 R1000-R2000
Fat Pockets Under Eyes 10 R250
What can I expect during the procedure?

Dr Inge always begins with comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the fat deposits. The skin areas to be treated are marked and prepared with a local anaesthetic cream.

After thorough disinfection, Dr Inge injects the active substance in several small amounts spaced at 1-2 cm into the tissue under the skin using special ultrathin needles.

Slight burning sensation during the injection is expected. 

This outpatient procedure takes 20 minutes .

You might feel some mild tingling and burning.Â