Treating Varicose Vines & Spider Veins
- Botox
- Filler
Number of sessions for best results
It varies from individual to individual but typically 2-4 treatments are required for the best results. In patients with a few veins, 1-2 sessions will suffice. More treatments are required where veins are more numerous and extensive.
When can results be expected
Your results should be visible in about 3-6 weeks or 3-4 months, depending on the size of the veins being treated.
Duration of Results
All veins treated disappear permanently, but new ones may appear.
The recovery time required after sclerotherapy is generally very quick. You’ll be encouraged to walk around soon after your sclerotherapy treatment. You will most likely be able to get back to your regular activities on the same day. You’ll need to wear compression stockings or bandages for about two weeks.
Risks & Complications
Procedure Time
30 minutes
Back to Work
Next Day
From R1500. Can try to recover from medical aid.
Treatment Results
Sclerotherapy After Care
Sclerotherapy Consent Form
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that treats varicose veins and spider veins.
It involves injecting chemicals, known as sclerosing agents, into damaged veins.
This causes the vein walls to stick together, scar and seal off, which stops blood flowing through them. Once this happens, the defunct vein gets absorbed naturally by the body.
Sclerotherapy can reduce pain or side effects caused by damaged veins.
It is important to first book a consultation with Dr Inge before starting with Sclerotherapy to determine if you’re a good candidate for this procedure and arrange pressure stockings.
Varicose Veins vs Spider Veins
Varicose veins
- Over 3mm in size
- Raised
- Red, purple or blue
- Swollen
- Can cause heaviness/tired legs, itching, pain, cramping, heaviness, swelling, and discomfort.
Spider veins
- Smaller (typically under 1mm)
- Red or blueish
- Close to the surface
- Less severe than varicose veins
- No other symptoms, usually only of cosmetic concern
Sclerotherapy Benefits
Results are immediate
Side effects are rare
No surgical intervention
No hospitalization required – Performed in your doctor’s rooms
No significant downtime / recovery time
You can resume normal activities after injection
Sclerotherapy Risks
Every procedure involves a certain amount of risk, and it is important that you understand the risks involved.
An individual’s choice to undergo a procedure is based on the comparison of the risk to potential benefit.
Although most patients do not experience these complications, you should discuss each of them with your medical aesthetic physician to make sure you understand the risks, potential complications and consequences Sclerotherapy.
- Botox
- Filler
Number of sessions for best results
It varies from individual to individual but typically 2-4 treatments are required for the best results. In patients with a few veins, 1-2 sessions will suffice. More treatments are required where veins are more numerous and extensive.
When can results be expected
Your results should be visible in about 3-6 weeks or 3-4 months, depending on the size of the veins being treated.
Duration of Results
All veins treated disappear permanently, but new ones may appear.
The recovery time required after sclerotherapy is generally very quick. You’ll be encouraged to walk around soon after your sclerotherapy treatment. You will most likely be able to get back to your regular activities on the same day. You’ll need to wear compression stockings or bandages for about two weeks.
Risks & Complications
Procedure Time
30 minutes
Back to Work
Next Day
From R1500. Can try to recover from medical aid.
Treatment Results
Sclerotherapy After Care
Sclerotherapy Consent Form
Frequently Asked Questions – Sclerotherapy
What causes varicose/spider veins?
There are 3 common contributors to dilated veins:
Hereditary – one with a family history of leg veins inherit a genetic tendency for the venous system to have increased pressure over time.
Pregnancy – related to both the increased venous backflow as the uterus grows and pushes on the venous system, as well as the increased blood volume in pregnancy.
Prolonged standing – at rest with our legs up, we have no pressure in the venous system. On standing the pressure increases dramatically to 100mmHg. Walking gets the calf muscle pumping and drops the pressure to 30-40mmHg. With prolonged standing, the high pressures override the valves assisting in the return of blood, the valves then break down and blood pools in the leg veins.
Contrary to popular belief, crossing your legs has no effect on developing leg veins.
Can all skin types be safely treated with dermal fillers?
Yes, all skin types can be safely treated with dermal fillers. However, patients with very thin skin will need different treatment than those with thicker skin.
Can you prevent varicose veins / spider veins?
Due to the causes, there is very little that can be done to halt the development of leg veins. Wearing compression stockings / support hose only delays their progression. Maintaining a healthy weight can also reduce backward pressure on leg veins
Do I need to have Sclerotherapy?
Symptoms commonly associated with varicose veins include leg tiredness, heaviness, aching, throbbing, restlessness, tingling, itching, numbness and swelling. Complications such as phlebitis, blood clots, dermatitis and ulcers can occur if veins are left untreated.
What do Sclerotherapy cost?
This will depend on the extent of the leg veins. There may be an associated Medical aid rebate for some veins which must be claimed by the patient.
How many treatments are necessary?
The number of treatments is individualised once your legs have been examined. There is a limit to the amount of injections and sclerosant that can be done per treatment. Usually more than one treatment session is required. There needs to be a 4 to 6 week treatment break of the same area. The opposite leg can be treated within that timeframe if necessary.
How long will the effects last?
Will it work?
Sclerotherapy by injection is a very effective method of treatment. You can expect 50-80% improvement with a single treatment and improved success after a course of between 2-5 treatments. The recurrence rate of dilated veins can be up to 30% over time. This can be improved with avoiding stiletto high heels and prolonged standing, maintaining adequate body weight and regular exercise.
How do I prepare for Sclerotherapy?
On the day of treatment; the patients legs should not be shaved because a burning sensation may result when cleansing the area prior to treatment and also to avoid bleeding during treatment caused by razor nicks. Moisturizers should not be applied on the day of treatment as this may cause unnecessary slipperiness of the skin. Substances such as Omega 3, paracetemols, Evening Primrose oil and St Johns Wart should be stopped 1 week before the treatment. You will receive pre- & post-care instructions when making your appointment.
What results can be expected after Sclerotherapy?
You should expect to see results in 3 to 6 weeks. Larger veins may take up to 3 to 4 months.
Legs and veins will often look worse before they look better. Expect a gradual lightening rather than complete resolution after the first treatment.
You may notice bruising and redness in the areas at the injection sites. The bruises will diminish within two weeks. In many cases, there may be some residual brownish pigmentation which may take up to a year to completely fade.